
Jun 16, 2017
2009 335xi E90
I have reflex #160 so I believe it is the first gen. Does that mean I have to use the external flex fuel module?


New Member
Aug 19, 2021
I have reflex #160 so I believe it is the first gen. Does that mean I have to use the external flex fuel module?
I'm confused by this as well. When I talked to them they made it sound like it was capable of flex fuel once hooked up to a sensor. Is this not the case?

Also has anyone successfully gotten this to work with the BM3 platform?


May 19, 2020
The Reflex Is capable of reading an E sensor and DOES provide the DME with the information, for the N55 its via CAN and for the N54 its wired. Lastly , what is a BMS platform? A BMS BEF runs on an MHD platform, it's (BMS) not a platform by itself.


Jun 16, 2017
2009 335xi E90
I'm confused by this as well. When I talked to them they made it sound like it was capable of flex fuel once hooked up to a sensor. Is this not the case?

Also has anyone successfully gotten this to work with the BM3 platform?
I actually asked this before asking Chris@Motiv and this is what he said..

So yes beside the additional inputs and outputs the Reflex + has an additional output for the built in N54 analog ECA. So if you have a N54 ECA already then you just use the breakout harness with the original Reflex and if you dont you can use the built in one from the Reflex+ . So either way it'll work.

So if I understand this correctly then if you have the first version you need to use the Flex Fuel module. If you have the 2nd gen (Reflex+) then you can use the built in one.


May 19, 2020
I actually asked this before asking Chris@Motiv and this is what he said..

So if I understand this correctly then if you have the first version you need to use the Flex Fuel module. If you have the 2nd gen (Reflex+) then you can use the built in one.

No, since there is no CAN BUS connectivity with the N54, it means if you already have the Flex Fuel module you can use it ALONG WITH the Reflex (just like you would use a standard E sensor ) and if you don't have the FF module you can use the Reflex with a E sensor as per their instruction, someone please correct me if I'm wrong.


Jun 16, 2017
2009 335xi E90
No, since there is no CAN BUS connectivity with the N54, it means if you already have the Flex Fuel module you can use it ALONG WITH the Reflex (just like you would use a standard E sensor ) and if you don't have the FF module you can use the Reflex with a E sensor as per their instruction, someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
What do you gain using it alongside the reflex?


May 19, 2020
I would imagine it sorta saves you the hassle of un-installing the module to re-install a new sensor and the Reflex thereby allowing plug and play connectivity using their break out harness.
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Jun 3, 2020
I actually asked this before asking Chris@Motiv and this is what he said..

So if I understand this correctly then if you have the first version you need to use the Flex Fuel module. If you have the 2nd gen (Reflex+) then you can use the built in one.
The way I understood it from Jake was that the older version of the ReFlex required their Flex Fuel for MHD adapter, but that the newer version of the ReFlex has this essentially built into it.

In either case, you will still need flex fuel sensor.
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Jun 16, 2017
2009 335xi E90
The way I understood it from Jake was that the older version of the ReFlex required their Flex Fuel for MHD adapter, but that the newer version of the ReFlex has this essentially built into it.

In either case, you will still need flex fuel sensor.
Yeah you will always need the sensor. Its a matter of needing the Motiv Flex Fuel Module. Based on the information when reflex was launched with they labeled it having a ECA.

I would imagine it sorta saves you the hassle of un-installing the module to re-install a new sensor and the Reflex thereby allowing plug and play connectivity using their break out harness.
What do you mean re-install a new sensor? If someone has one hooked up and adds the Reflex then no problem they already have the FF Module installed. But for those who don't have it installed do we NEED to install it? Even if I had it installed I would probably remove it if the Reflex handled it just to clean up the ECA box a bit.


May 19, 2020
The way I understood it from Jake was that the older version of the ReFlex required their Flex Fuel for MHD adapter, but that the newer version of the ReFlex has this essentially built into it.

In either case, you will still need flex fuel sensor.
No, if you read the discription of the Reflex on Motives' site you will see that there is no mention of V1 or V2 or the Flex Fuel module but it does say an E sensor can be connected directly to it which allows it to scale fuel delivery accordingly.


May 19, 2020
What do you mean re-install a new sensor? If someone has one hooked up and adds the Reflex then no problem they already have the FF Module installed. But for those who don't have it installed do we NEED to install it? Even if I had it installed I would probably remove it if the Reflex handled it just to clean up the ECA box a bit.
I am not familiar with the FF module and how it is installed (my bad!) but I assume the module interprits the signal from the sensor and relays the information to the DME, so wheather you remove the FF module alone or the module AND the sensor it's up to you but for the Rflex to function a sensor must be installed, only difference is that the R.F. will be doing what the module is doing . If you recall there is an input on the reflex harness for connecting a sensor directly to it, this obviously means that it will directly utalize the sensors' output which means it does the same job as the FF module. The aformentioned "break out" harness will allow the Reflex to connect to and share the information from the FF module (if installed) without changing anything as it (the R.F.) will also be required to scale fuel delivery based on E content.
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May 19, 2020
In my installation the sensor is connected directly to the harness and I see actual E content when I add ethanol to the tank.


May 19, 2020
Received via E mail from Motive:

" Hey Marcel -

There is a new version of the ReFlex as a result of the pandemic and supply chains running dry. We had to redesign it with a new injector driver trip as there was over a 100 week lead time on the one we originally used. They have not been produced yet and will not start shipping for a bit. There are only minor differences to the updated design. The new driver has 2 additional inputs and outputs. The remainder of the kit is the same. "
If you think the price difference and time is worth it .
This is post # 70 of this thread, a direct response from Motive, as could be seen there is no real difference between V1 and V2 pertaining to how it reads E content .
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Jun 16, 2017
2009 335xi E90
This is post # 70 of this thread, a direct response from Motive, as could be seen there is no real difference between V1 and V2 pertaining to how it reads E content .
Yeah I had figured the original Reflex would replace the Flex Fuel module. When it was first released it was advertised as being able to handle the ethanol percentage. I do have the PnP harness that connects the sensor to the Reflex harness. I also have the breakout harness but that is for people who have a bluetooth ethanol content analyzer and want to keep that and go with the Reflex. I did see posts mentioning the firmware wasn't ready for ethnaol reading but that was like 20 weeks ago so it probably is built in now. I was also confused because Motiv sold me both the Reflex and the FF module at the same time. I figured if I didn't need the FF module they would have mentioned something.

But anyways I think that post explains it. I will hook up just the reflex and hopefully be good.


Jun 16, 2017
2009 335xi E90
If you want to run flexfuel on the car you'll need the N54 ECA. If you just want to run E85 all the time then you just need the Reflex connected. It can still use the sensor and adjust PI if mixtures change at all.

Serial number 500 and higher Reflex have 1 additional wire for the DME that enables the N54 flexfuel, its combined into one 1 unit for the Reflex+. The original Reflex (sub serial number 500) needs both boxes.

Directly from Chris.


Oct 28, 2019
2010 335i E92
If you want to run flexfuel on the car you'll need the N54 ECA. If you just want to run E85 all the time then you just need the Reflex connected. It can still use the sensor and adjust PI if mixtures change at all.

Serial number 500 and higher Reflex have 1 additional wire for the DME that enables the N54 flexfuel, its combined into one 1 unit for the Reflex+. The original Reflex (sub serial number 500) needs both boxes.

Directly from Chris.
LOL pretty sure I said something along those lines a page back or so...I would assume since any Reflex being sold going forward are all going to be the new version there shouldn't be much confusion anymore. (Until the NEW NEW NEW Version) just kidding....I hope..

I was supposed to go to the dyno 2 weeks ago but they rescheduled it to this Friday. I guess at that point I will have a good comparison between running stockish turbos. (my guess is gonna be 550) lol maybe I should post a estimate the Matts HP an give away the current turbos and relocated inlets....once the new ones come in...? But then again there are quite a few highly qualified tuners in here.....hmmm

Whenever my impulsive purchases arrive...I am calling it Covid-N54 (its got ta be a sickness) I will set up another dyno to do a $ to HP comparison. Not wanting to get flamed everyone has their own preferences on turbos, but I ordered some GC2+ turbos new outlets an new relocated inlets....along with the VRSF street exhaust. I might need to get ahold of Jake as well and upgrade my clutch assembly...
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