The car has been really solid with seven back-to-back 9 second passes and launching consistent 1.5-1.6 short times. I finally had the dragy in the car so I grabbed 60-130 times also. We ended up right on the edge of 150mph in the 1/4 mile! We are making some more changes and hope to push things a bit further in the near future!
- RK Tunes custom software
- Pure Stage 2+ turbos
- Maximum PSI Built motor
- Maximum PSI keyed crank hub
- EOS intake
- EOS intercooler
- Maximum PSI downpipes/3.5" exhaust
- Fuel-It! port injection and fuel system
- E85 fuel
- Dodson Clutches/baskets

- RK Tunes custom software
- Pure Stage 2+ turbos
- Maximum PSI Built motor
- Maximum PSI keyed crank hub
- EOS intake
- EOS intercooler
- Maximum PSI downpipes/3.5" exhaust
- Fuel-It! port injection and fuel system
- E85 fuel
- Dodson Clutches/baskets