I agree, at some point you need more(larger and laggier) turbo. To fight the lag you use NOS to spool it up earlier and more revs so you can take advantage of a larger turbo and not have a powerband of only 6k-7.2k.
lag lag lag lag BOOST!
View attachment 22651
Even if power stays constant after 7k I would still prefer to rev out to 8.2k or roughly 15% more revrange/powerband. The wider the powerband and more revs you have the better. You will also be higher in the RPMs after you shift so in a meatier part of the rev range. It could potentially save you from having to have one more shift in the 1/4 for instance.
Again, it seems weird no one revs them out, not even the vendors with built heads. Or if they do they keep the results hidden.