
Oct 18, 2016
2009 E93 335i
I have not been able to read every post or page but this is what this comes down to.

October 26th:
For now, we can say nobody is allowed to distribute or sell tunes on this forum based on the information originally provided in the first link.

October 27th:
This user has been asked to not distribute any software on this forum until further notice. Many claims have been made and it will take time to fully investigate.


Why are you editing links that I've removed?

Listen bud, I don't know who you are. What I do know, is that you're not to distribute anything on this forum until I say so. I have not had time to look into this yet.

I again am offering 100% free service to review or write maps.

Feel free to email me at [email protected]

October 28th:
Also if anyone isn't comfortable with making a custom tune or you don't simply don't have the time, I would be happy to start doing tunes for those but at a much lower donation fee. I'm thinking $200 for a flash only tune and $100 for a backend flash.

Hit me up folks! ;)

November 3rd
Uploaded RFP Stage 1 and Stage 1.5 maps
Making Stage 2 and Stage 3 maps this week.
Download link can be found on my Facebook Page @RFPTuning

This gonna run you $50 for meth map

I have stated quite clearly in this thread that nobody will distribute or sell tunes on this board which was or is suspected of being derived from this information. If people were accountable for their own actions, they would realize this is a simple matter of cannot read and disrespect of the rules. The new requirement to promote tunes on this board is a five year track record, something I can vouch for personally and feel good about or another professional, verifiable track record I can go by. I got into this platform in 2009, if someone were a notable tuner at the time, I would know about it. If you do not have that experience, feel free to learn up and build that resume, but you'll have to promote it elsewhere. The next time someone someone comes up with the brilliant idea of getting into the tuning business using the resources referenced in this thread and tries to promote it here will receive a permanent ban and the award for most ingenious mind of the 21st century.

C'mon guys, don't you have actual careers or is shit tuning some cars on the internet really the pinnacle of what you guys have come up with as your plan? Even if a guy could make a few grand a month doing this, how the hell would it be worth all this nonsense unless you didn't think your time was valuable?

And if someone's tunes had nothing to do with stolen maps, how dumb would they be to distribute them together? Why would anyone in their right mind admit to being associated to that stuff? That is equivalent to a crackhead getting caught with a pipe in their hand and denying being high because you can't prove it. This is begging to be attacked over credibility, it just doesn't make any sense and benefit of the doubt isn't justifiable in this case nor has it been earned.

Edit: Also, there has been a complete lack of professionalism exhibited in this thread by people who are supposed to be providing professional services.