The harness and coils were never plug and play. Coils needed to be trimmed to fit. Harness didnt fit as advertised. Alex is such a prick that he didnt replace the harness. He wants to sell one at a discounted price to most. I modified the harness to work. Cyl #5 had to have wires extended and the main plugs / connectors plug into the factory coil leads and are held together with heat shrink. In my car everything looks super clean and works without issue. But I know where I cut, trimmed, extended, etc and why. So I dont want the headache of selling, new owner doesnt understand whats going on and not fitting things properly and have it not work correctly for him or her. Aside from that, for me to let them go the price would be up there because of the headaches I went through to get the proper fitment and results. This SHOULD have been done by the vendor and let him collect the profits. He did not, and I was stuck with it and then shared my findings with others who took it a step further and created topics on here to help others.