So I've been working with the local fabricator for close two two years and we are on the home stretch and should be ready by Christmas.
The base is billet and so is the plenum base but the dome is pressed sheet metal.
Its going to be around half the weight of whats available atm most likely 12 to 13 pounds without the pi rail and injectors.
It will be fully tested against the fabfactory manifold and hopefully will have independent testing done early in january
Let me know if your interested and tell me some features you would like to see thats not currently available
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The base is billet and so is the plenum base but the dome is pressed sheet metal.
Its going to be around half the weight of whats available atm most likely 12 to 13 pounds without the pi rail and injectors.
It will be fully tested against the fabfactory manifold and hopefully will have independent testing done early in january
Let me know if your interested and tell me some features you would like to see thats not currently available
More Pics Here
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