Twisted Tuning

Platinum Vendor
Oct 25, 2016
New York
N54 and N55 Cars
Little side stuff i've been working on in my very scarce spare time. Did the n54 conversion awhile ago and just started the N55 conversion late last night.

I do ECU calibrations and developing across quite a few platforms outside the N54/N55 platform. Never really been one to focus on just one aspect of knowledge. So I have many different tools that I need and use to get work done across platforms.

I'm Sure we can all agree that TunerPro works, but is far from an IDEAL solution in terms of ECU BIN editing. The breakpoints tables and many other things have always annoyed me. As i've used TunerPro on other platforms (Audi, Volvo and etc. to name a couple).

Anyway, decided to convert the Tunerpro XDF's into a more usable XML which is more common file extension in the software world.

Software i Use for this i use for Mitsubishi and Subaru Tuning mainly. Just a couple advantages of this software are:

-on table axis editing
-full built-in hex editor (not many will use it or know how to use it)
-far better definition file management and editing
-better table viewing UI
-better table grouping management

For those who wish to use this software its available through me for BIN editing and etc. which was not available for BMW prior. Yes, unfortunately the Software has a fee. I already had it but at a higher cost. But what you get for the $70 fee is more than the free Ecuflash/TunerPro can offer.

NOTE- I am not making anything on the purchase of the software. All the needed XML's for the software are free from me. as they are different than EcuFlash. So all you're paying for is the Software. The XML's will be free and readily available for download just as the XDF's for tunerpro.

This project was soley for me to use for my services, but figured after seeing the threads about ECUFlash that I wasn't the only one wanting a better interface for BMW stuff. You by no means have to use what I use, I'm Just offering it. If interested in using it, just PM or Email me. Email preferred.






Twisted Tuning

Platinum Vendor
Oct 25, 2016
New York
N54 and N55 Cars
So all the defined tables from the xdf show in the new format with this new program ? Or were some missing and you had to define them and add them yourself ?

Everything in the TunerPro XDFs for the N54 are here in the software. I converted them all.

The only thing not in these are the axis breakpoints tables and etc. Because with this software one of the advantages is....everything is done on the actual table. Axis changes, table changes, scaling, blending and etc.

The N55 tables are almost complete. And I will add to the N55 tables as Martial and I find more needed/wanted tables.