Anyone use one of these?
I want to add one of the Innovative ECF-1 since I already have the ECS boost gauge in the left vent. Did you have to do anything special for the right vent bigger gauge?
I'm looking in my records and I do not see that I recorded where I bought the vent gauge pod from. I swore it was ECS who has since discontinued their passenger side right vent gauge pod(probably due to lack of sales). You could try calling them or Turner.
The aquamist gauge fit right in there even thought it is slightly larger. I can txt you pictures but it probably does not help you if you can't find a vent pod gauge kit.
Yeah my current thought is just an android tablet on an adjustable base on the passenger side. My issue is finding a tablet that will both charge and run mhd at the same time. I want off the shelf not loading varies hacked files etc.
I don't like the look of gauges, but I want to be able to see low pressure fuel and the N55 doesn't have so I got this pod from The only issue that there are not a lot of 45mm options.