Hello guys,
i hope my english is good enough, im coming from Austria
So i have a problem with my 435i N55 EWG no Xdrive. I have MHD Stage 1 installed and when i do a pull example in 3rd gear the car has stuttors or dropouts. It feels Like there is a boost Problem or something with the ignotion i dont know… Error Memory is empty…
I already did
-All Sparkplugs and Coils
-High Pressure Fuel Pump
-All Injectors
I attached a LogFile with MHD and at the 2nd or 3rd pull it had this dropouts.
Would be any guy so nice to have a look on this logfile and help me? I would also pay something… it means much to me because i dont know what to do anymore..
Thanks Guys
i hope my english is good enough, im coming from Austria
So i have a problem with my 435i N55 EWG no Xdrive. I have MHD Stage 1 installed and when i do a pull example in 3rd gear the car has stuttors or dropouts. It feels Like there is a boost Problem or something with the ignotion i dont know… Error Memory is empty…
I already did
-All Sparkplugs and Coils
-High Pressure Fuel Pump
-All Injectors
I attached a LogFile with MHD and at the 2nd or 3rd pull it had this dropouts.
Would be any guy so nice to have a look on this logfile and help me? I would also pay something… it means much to me because i dont know what to do anymore..
Thanks Guys