You guys that are getting Spec clutches with the mFactory single mass, is it a sprung or solid clutch disc?
That's what I figured also. But I ordered the spec clutch with mFactory flywheel from a vendor, and got the solid hub disc. I thought it was a mistake, but the part numbers are for a solid hub. And the Spec clutches that are sprung hub are listed as not fitting an OEM style flywheel. I thought that might just be because they didn't want people putting a sprung hub on a DMFW, but the spec single mass is different than the mFactory and stock. The spec mounts flush to the face, and the stock/mFactory has a recessed face from the mounting and locating pins.Since you're going from a DMF (with springs) to a SMF (with no springs) you'll want a sprung clutch.
Hate to bring a dead horse to life but i went with mfactory smfw and spec st3+. They dont offer a sprung clutch hub that functions with the mfactory flywheel. Sadly i didn't know that until after my whole clutch runaround. Next time i will either be going with the mfactory twin disc (sprung) which was on back order until the day i received my setup or i will be doing a spec flywheel with sprung clutchYou guys that are getting Spec clutches with the mFactory single mass, is it a sprung or solid clutch disc?
I have a Spec 3+ solid clutch with mfactory smfw... no issues other than it being a very aggressive clutch setup. Stop and go traffic is entertaining.
As far as the confusion with solid vs sprung hub, there are 2 versions of the clutch disk / pressure plate for Spec 2+ and 3+:
Most vendors exclusively use pictures of option 2 regardless of what they're actually selling (Spec themselves seem to only have pics of option 2); they really should use accurate pictures but most of them don't care as long as they get your money.
- solid hub clutch disk / self-adjusting pressure plate. meant to be used with the stock DMFW or a flywheel that accepts an oem style clutch / PP
- sprung hub clutch disk / non self-adjusting pressure plate. meant to be used with Spec's own SMFW and will not work with the stock DMFW
I got into a huge argument with one of the higher ups from Mfactory on facebook when I accused them of false advertising. I ordered their clutch / flywheel package with option 2 pictured, and received option 1. The guy acted like I should have known Mfactory's flywheel was oem style despite being single mass, and uses a self-adjusting clutch, when none of that was mentioned in the promotion post / sale listing.
I was also quite irritated with my purchase... I wanted sprung clutch and was then sent unsprung. after being told that it would be sprung.... Later to find out its not possible to run sprung disc on the mfactory wheel
Who told you cant run sprung disc on mfactory fw??
Spec did. Their sprung hub sticks out quite a bit from the clutch disk surface, and the indentation toward the middle on the mfactory smfw is not deep enough to clear it.