I tested a handful of used OEM style coils including cheap part store ones, and also tested like new Bosch and delphi, they all performed almost identical although the branded ones seemed to last slightly longer, like maybe a minute, some of the used ones without branding only lasted 20 to 30 seconds when stressed. Is that because they were old or just cheap I dunno. I really doubt eldor will test any different.
Lots of issues with this write up... specifically the "part 2" at least haven't read part 1. For one he is quoting injector mosfet specs and circling injector mosfets on the board, and talking about ignition igbt. He is worried about flyback voltage for the injectors (because that is what kills their mosfets) but he's monitoring the ignition system... that system needs the back voltage to push the primary energy over 300v, so it can get to 30kV+... he even says that happens but states it's too much, which is wrong, it's absolutely needed for the ignition (but not injection). It's why there's a 500V capacitor parallel with all the ignition coil voltage leads already. It's like he confuses or doesn't realize they are isolated systems. I think he's a smart guy but he needs to go over things again imo.