Can't sell them because the do not transfer the warranty apparently and I can't return them because they only offer a 1 day return policy apparently, I could've bought the ones on eBay and if I didn't like them I had 30 days to make up my mind not with DAW.
Ok so he just was having convo about installing turbos with you ? I just thought maybe he had sold you the turbos at first that's all I just didnt get it.Y
Yes slow335is is Nick olson. What are you confused about I'm sure I can clear it up
No it's not the guy waited 2 months and then said dont send them at this point. Magically they sent the second he said that lmao. I am usually for the vendor you can check my posts but this I would feel same as the buyer did. Unless I was quoted close to 2 months but it does not seem so.View attachment 32290
that could be just caked up ceramic coating , and no ebay seller is selling n54 turbos with gtx wheels like you have, Daw is maching the housing to fit the gtx wheel an using a different thrust assembly for stage3/4 i believe i was sent pictures of the process when i was still deciding back in the beginning of this year (could be wrong)
i really dont blame a reseller for not wanting to go through the hassle of reselling your turbos again when you were in a hurry to get, an risk them getting damaged during shipping, thats just a wishy washy buyer imo but i do understand if you have buyers remorse with a big purchase..
I'm don't have anything to do with DAW except buying there turbos.but from my understanding the owner buys these manifolds from China or wherever and then assembles them in Michigan with upgraded wheels and bearings supposedly. And then offers his 3 year warranty which doesn't seem useful to me since I can't return a product that is unused that I have had for 1 day.
Done in a 6MT 2 years ago with GC's full weight E90 mid 170s 1/2 mile and 140MPH 1/4 mile trap. Short memories on this platform.Whats the goal with these? You going to try and be the first to attain the claimed 850rwhp/905hp potential? Be good to see some 140+mph 1/4 potential from twins in a full weight e90.
Your too quick to be a smart ass. I like you but you have to be on ball when your going to be condescending. He said what Is your goal to be first to hit the claimed 850whp meaning the first to hit 850whp with these turbos. I don't think you guys made 850whp with those stage 4 turbos right? Some people have short memory, some just don't comprehend cause a chip on shoulder. See how being aggressive for no reason makes me look like ass. Even if the statement was about a general record and was wrong you don't have be rude , also this way If turns out your wrong you don't look like twirp. Anyway I really do like vtt products just I been noticing you getting worse recently and it's like someone had take tony place aka rob rb and now I guess you are taking his place .Done in a 6MT 2 years ago with GC's full weight E90 mid 170s 1/2 mile and 140MPH 1/4 mile trap. Short memories on this platform.
Yep infection right from China. The message I'm getting from DAW is that I'm stuck with these turbos even after I told the owner that I have changed my mind after waiting over 2 months and to not ship them and this is what I get for my long wait.
Well i ordered my stage 4s July 30th. Had plans to go to the track September 13th told Shawn the owner this told me they would be there no problems because that would be within the 2-3 weeks he advertises on his website. Kept asking him he keeps telling me your turbos are at the bearing builder or one time he told me a shipment of his Alibaba manifolds was lost. It was nonstop excuses out of Shawn for over 2 months. At one point he tried sending me a stage 3 so I could get them sooner. At the end I told him I wanted to go single and I have texts from him that he said you can return them not a problem. Now his representative or whatever you want to call him Nick Olson (aka slow335is) is voiding my return for me? I have never been involved in a more poorly and awkwardly run business and yes maybe I have been spoiled by real business with policy's that are clear and make sense.View attachment 32300View attachment 32301mind you this is all after I asked when my turbos would be arriving and they were at FedEx misplaced by them. So I'm not even sure why he proceeded to send them out to me after he knew how I felt about the whole situation.
Looks like you have proof of an authorized return. If they won't respond now call your CC/bank.
Do it now send them your documentation of communications and get your money back while you still can.
he has to ship them back first to have any claim lol
he has to ship them back first to have any claim lol
Sounds like he is just fine doing that.
Because nick is telling him just install them. Now all is clear lmao. I knew their had be some link between nick aka slow335is and these turbos
I'm certain that is Tony posting under Chris's account.
Show us the message that says id like to cancel my order and be refunded, to me looks like you were hesitating because you wanted them right then and there an you never had your mind made up about twins or single before you ordered , you just beat around the bush then you got them an are upset because of ceramic coating caked up or casting was rough on thw bottom of housing , which wont change anything an youll never see it no matter how good they look.Well i ordered my stage 4s July 30th. Had plans to go to the track September 13th told Shawn the owner this told me they would be there no problems because that would be within the 2-3 weeks he advertises on his website. Kept asking him he keeps telling me your turbos are at the bearing builder or one time he told me a shipment of his Alibaba manifolds was lost. It was nonstop excuses out of Shawn for over 2 months. At one point he tried sending me a stage 3 so I could get them sooner. At the end I told him I wanted to go single and I have texts from him that he said you can return them not a problem. Now his representative or whatever you want to call him Nick Olson (aka slow335is) is voiding my return for me? I have never been involved in a more poorly and awkwardly run business and yes maybe I have been spoiled by real business with policy's that are clear and make sense.View attachment 32300View attachment 32301mind you this is all after I asked when my turbos would be arriving and they were at FedEx misplaced by them. So I'm not even sure why he proceeded to send them out to me after he knew how I felt about the whole situation.
Done in a 6MT 2 years ago with GC's full weight E90 mid 170s 1/2 mile and 140MPH 1/4 mile trap. Short memories on this platform.