Has anybody used this or tuned this? I stumbled across this on Full Race, they're selling electronic wastegate conversion kits and an electronic wastegate controller that converts duty cycle% input into wastegate position (5% = fully open scaled up to 95% = fully closed). It auto-sweeps to set its own travel limits. The factory DME (or a stand-alone) controls it, you just need to retune since there's no wastegate spring or back pressure against the wastegate flap to compensate for to hit desired wastegate position. Looks like a good option for single turbo guys wanting to run internal wastegate
Any thoughts?

Full-Race Electronic Wastegate Conversion Kit - BorgWarner B2 EFR
Precisely control your boost. The Full-Race eIWG Electronic Internal Wastegate Conversion Kit for Borg Warner B2 EFR Turbos replaces the traditional boost-activated wastegate actuators. The electronic actuator allows for precise control of the turbocharger wastegate in all conditions.

Electronic Internal Wastegate Controller by DCCDpro
The Full-Race EWG-Pro by DCCDpro is a dedicated Electronic Internal Wastegate controller for use with Full-Race eIWG Electronic Boost Control Conversion Kits or MHI / Melco Actuators. The fully programmable interface supports 5%-95% Duty Cycles for superior boost control.