Here are some shots posted a while back of the CES Motorsport kit using a Steed Speed manifold. It looks like the car is using solid mounts. Running an EFR 8374:
I emailed steed a few weeks ago just curious about it and he said he is still working on the design.
Bro.... It's a log manifold design, it takes waaaayyyyyyyyy more time to make this.....Man! This manifold still hasn't come to market?!?!? I remember him getting soooo butt hurt when I laughed at his statement of it hitting the market in under 6 months, bashing how long it took for all the other kits to make it to market, and saying his manifold would destroy every other option available.
Looks like he can't even hit a 2 year target! Lol
Interestingly enough leen daily drives an 335i n54 powered coupe. No idea if it is tuned.
I wonder if that is why he initially agreed to take this on after the guy won the contest that he was not supposed to win...
Anyways just thought that was interesting.
It's a 2011 xDrive 335i so it's an n55.
Oh really? I thought it looked like it was older.
He can always n54 swap it
I was just seeing a post of his on Facebook about having his wheel ruined by a pothole, he said its a 2011 and it looks like an LCI.