Did you manage to sell the CHRAs that you stole yet b4llistic Frank or should I call you Heor Sleet? Apparently awful turbos but you're still selling under a fake account for 900us.
Perfect candidate for ls swapsThis whole platform is going to shit as these cars get cheaper.
No need to read there, people from your telegram group shared your own messages where you were slightly more honest behind the curtains.You can read how I stole them here:
Getting? You obviously don't monitor the Facebook groups for these carsThis whole platform is going to shit as these cars get cheaper.
Getting? You obviously don't monitor the Facebook groups for these cars
Oh I do and they are a dumpster fire very often. The amount of miss information and tuners coming out of no where is crazy.
The forums seem to keep those types away for whatever reasons. Maybe it is not as easy to upload pictures and shit talk or something?
I liked that kid in MN who scammed all those people out of their money. Then made this huge post about how he really didn't that was all heart felt when he really did scam everyone.
Facebook is annoying because it is such a bitch to search for actual data/information or go back to a previous post etc. perfect for Instagram tuners and flyby night 'businesses' If I was going to do something sketchy it would be on facebook not the forums.
I don't do the FB group thing and I don't associate with locals. I'm really out of the loop.
where do you get this shit?Just put this sad guy on ignore. He runs a N54 group where they scam people into buying chinese turbo's through ispeedytech. Me uncovering him touched him at sensitive place and he can't let it go unfortunatly.
personally I think I'm heading to DOC VUThey even have a second RFP Tuning guy now. Just look for Michael Hollingsworth.
It is crazy how uneducated (seriously some are dumb af) the ppl there actually are and how they recommend "tuners" without even being able to read a log.
why those idiots are not on forums? easy. Young blood not knowing there is something called google and that forums exist. Most of those ppl just want to have a fast car for cheap. And when they see boost numbers looking good, that is sufficient.