Good day all, I recently concluded tuning of the N54 to 22psi on pump gas, although the performance now is 100 times better, I know there is ALOT more left in it. The tuner indicated on multiple occasions that the DME is pulling timing excessively most likely because of fuel quality. The widely known benefits of injection have made me an advocate for and user of water/meth in all my builds, this one is no exception. In my humble opinion all the available kits on the market never tick all the boxes when it comes to quality, control strategy, inputs and outputs together with safeguards, so I usually put together a custom kit that meets all my criteria and then some.
Knowing that the quality and capability of the brains behind the system is critical, I found the ABSOLUTE BEST controller on the market (for me at least) is the Torque Byte CM5-LTS, the functionality and features speak for themselves! the other components in the system are also of the highest quality I could find as I don't want to risk failures which would most likely result in some sort of engine damage.
Pump, Controller and Solenoid.
These are pictures of my EOS intake manifold with PI nozzles installed.
I also placed a seventh nozzle in the charge pipe after the intercooler, the controller allows me to implement a 2 staged system, the single nozzle operates first at lower boost then the PI ones come in later on to ensure each cylinder gets the juice. I will post pics of the single nozzle and component placement later. For safety, I have a flow meter installed on stage 1, the output from which will be programmed to trigger a relay which will kill power to the boost solenoids if the specified flow @ a specified boost is not detected. Along with this there is a low-level switch which can also be made to trigger the same or another output to cause something else to happen, I will decide what when I do the final set up, I may even include a pressure switch too!
Knowing that the quality and capability of the brains behind the system is critical, I found the ABSOLUTE BEST controller on the market (for me at least) is the Torque Byte CM5-LTS, the functionality and features speak for themselves! the other components in the system are also of the highest quality I could find as I don't want to risk failures which would most likely result in some sort of engine damage.
Pump, Controller and Solenoid.
These are pictures of my EOS intake manifold with PI nozzles installed.
I also placed a seventh nozzle in the charge pipe after the intercooler, the controller allows me to implement a 2 staged system, the single nozzle operates first at lower boost then the PI ones come in later on to ensure each cylinder gets the juice. I will post pics of the single nozzle and component placement later. For safety, I have a flow meter installed on stage 1, the output from which will be programmed to trigger a relay which will kill power to the boost solenoids if the specified flow @ a specified boost is not detected. Along with this there is a low-level switch which can also be made to trigger the same or another output to cause something else to happen, I will decide what when I do the final set up, I may even include a pressure switch too!