So an update on the progress of the electronics. A mass of wires like this is intriguing to say the least, I've been pulling the left side apart to single for all the retro upgrades. I'm sure there are kits out there for this, maybe it's to much work for the reward. I'm doing this to see how this for my own amusement. Not much out there for detail work, and I've never seen anyone pull a whole harness out of a car for no aparnent reason. So I found the wiring for the ccc and were it all goes, this came with the 08, I don't know if it's worth running or not, I'd like to try and run the Nbt from an F series. This car didn't come with logic7, Sirius, or HD. The Ntb has all this, and then some, the facia would be the issue. One thing I can say, it's all pretty simple once it's cut open, but dam, there's that one wire that intertwines the harness you need, no sence Bmw! Pics to follow.