Thought I'd make a thread to collect some data on O2 sensor options for the single turbo peeps. As everyone knows, 2-bank fueling logic forces ST kits to place the pre-cat O2s in the manifold between the head and turbine, exposing them to extremely harsh high temperature and positive pressure environment which shortens sensor life significantly.
Every manifold and turbo combination is different in terms of how harsh they are on sensors which is why I created this thread. If you have a manifold that eats O2 sensors for breakfast, there are a few options to choose from. You can switch to a different brand of sensor better able to take the heat (NTK, ADV, Denso, etc.) or the sensor life can be extended with the use of spacers, shims, and/or venturi heat sinks (see post below).
Note: most manufacturers have two PNs for N54 pre-cat O2 sensors, since the wiring harness are 2 different lengths on the OEM twin setup. The connectors and sensors are otherwise identical. Either PN can be used as long as the sensors are connected to the correct bank on the engine wiring harness.
I've prepared a table outlining results from my personal testing. Others feel free to reply to this thread and I'll update table accordingly.
Mileage on ST:
Heat Sinks (Y/N):
Notes (if any):
Every manifold and turbo combination is different in terms of how harsh they are on sensors which is why I created this thread. If you have a manifold that eats O2 sensors for breakfast, there are a few options to choose from. You can switch to a different brand of sensor better able to take the heat (NTK, ADV, Denso, etc.) or the sensor life can be extended with the use of spacers, shims, and/or venturi heat sinks (see post below).
Note: most manufacturers have two PNs for N54 pre-cat O2 sensors, since the wiring harness are 2 different lengths on the OEM twin setup. The connectors and sensors are otherwise identical. Either PN can be used as long as the sensors are connected to the correct bank on the engine wiring harness.
I've prepared a table outlining results from my personal testing. Others feel free to reply to this thread and I'll update table accordingly.
Mileage on ST:
Heat Sinks (Y/N):
Notes (if any):
Brand | PN | Mileage on ST | Boost / Fuel | Heat Sinks (Y/N) | Manifold | Turbo | Notes |
Bosch (OEM) | 17098 17102 | <500 | 26 psi / E85 | N | Doc Race | PTE 6266 Gen2 | 80k mile old sensors. Cooked in one night of tuning pulls (~20). Car was allowed to cool down between pulls |
Bosch (OEM) | 17098 17102 | <20 | N/A did not even hit boost | N | Doc Race | PTE 6266 Gen2 | Temperature/function codes and dead sensors out of the box |
NTK | 24322 24345 | 7,553 | 33 psi / E85 | Y | Doc Race | PTE 6266 Gen2 | Sensor was accidentally damaged and needed replacement. was running strong prior to damage |
NTK | 24345 24345 | 3,209 | 35 psi / E85 | Y | Doc Race | PTE 6266 Gen2 | Started throwing SES light on high boost multiple gear street pulls. gradually worsened to low boost multi gear pulls also. |
Denso | 2345139 2345139 | 25 | 28 psi / E85 | Y | Doc Race | PTE 6266 Gen2 | Testing in progress |
NTK | 24322 24345 | 4,000 | 28 psi / E85 | Y | Doc Race | PTE 6466 Gen2 | N/A |
OEM | 17098 17102 | 35,000 | 28 psi / E85 | N | JP | GTW 3884 | OEM sensors with 113k miles re-used for ST install |
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