I'm trying to get prepped for my Z4's disassembly next month. Ordering up a bunch of hardware so we have it ready to roll. The trans is coming up. @barry@3DM says he's seen aluminum bolts in the mix (1-use of course), he believes on the oil pan side. I hit realoem and I swear an intern did this - I can't imagine how hard it is to document this. Let me not delve into the diagram because I'm just going to start hurling expletives. To make matters worse, I heard that the bolts updated from some being aluminum to all steel.
Can anyone put me out of my misery - does someone have an inventory of all the bolts or can tell me which might be one-time use aluminum?
Can anyone put me out of my misery - does someone have an inventory of all the bolts or can tell me which might be one-time use aluminum?