VIP Get the 'Founder' Forum Title - Become a VIP member before the New Year!


Jan 28, 2018
Strong Island
E70 X5d, E39 528iT, E46 325xi
Darn. I would've paid the $9. One day of overtime for me would have paid for 2 years and then some. Just 4 hours, that's it. Least I can do to show my support for keeping an open forum not run by vendors.

We all drive luxury vehicles, and we're complaining about $9? If we can't find $9 in our budget every month, us as a society is royally fucked because no one has an ounce of Financial savvyness about them.

Forgot to add as well, even in this market, you can give stuff away for free and people will still find something to complain about.
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Apr 5, 2017
07 335i 6MT e90
Darn. I would've paid the $9. One day of overtime for me would have paid for 2 years and then some. Just 4 hours, that's it. Least I can do to show my support for keeping an open forum not run by vendors.

We all drive luxury vehicles, and we're complaining about $9? If we can't find $9 in our budget every month, us as a society is royally fucked because no one has an ounce of Financial savvyness about them.

Forgot to add as well, even in this market, you can give stuff away for free and people will still find something to complain about.

This is why I was hesitant to share my view, because sure it's "only $9" and you get called cheap. The problem isn't the price, it's what you get in return for that $9. Hulu is running a special for .99/month for a year. I didn't sign up because I didn't see the value in it. If that makes me cheap, ok, I'm cheap.

For some the increase in features is worth the $9 relative to what is free, for others it may not be. I'm all about value (Bert Kaempfert's got the mad hits, you try to match wits...sorry trailed off there) and I don't know if $9/month is worth it to me for the added features relative to the free experience.

I'd ask @doublespaces - was the VIP forum area going to be indexed by Google? I have found without that indexing, it limits searches for what can be valuable information. But with it, you can still "see" the information. My concern would be that paying members would confine contributions to the VIP area, and thus the only value on the forum would be in that section. Not that it would definitely happen, but it's a possibility.

I don't think anyone thinks you're greedy @doublespaces. I think you've created something many people would love to have. You took a passion for a hobby and hopefully are able to make it a profitable venture. I commend you on your impartiality and desire to remain as 'consumer reports' like as possible and not have to worry about vendor threats. It's definitely difficult in the current "ad supported" model that so much of the internet is based on.


Jan 28, 2018
Strong Island
E70 X5d, E39 528iT, E46 325xi
Xoutpost has gone full ads and they want $10 a month to get rid of them. They offer no value except being able to post your truck forsale. Not much traffic on there and the ads are outright ridiculous.


Apr 5, 2017
07 335i 6MT e90
I show it as $35 per year. Much different than $10 per month.


Major General
Sep 6, 2017
Down Under
S65 1m
Xoutpost has gone full ads and they want $10 a month to get rid of them. They offer no value except being able to post your truck forsale. Not much traffic on there and the ads are outright ridiculous.

And that's why he has no traffic with $10 bucks a month, eventually it will die altogether.


Major General
Sep 6, 2017
Down Under
S65 1m
30 dollars a year I could live with, but I'm going to become a vendor early next year so ill support it that way which I think is the right way.