I just came across this thread. I don't know if this info will be useful as it's been a few months.
I finished my DCT swap on a 06 build date car. It is possible and you can completely ignore the ECU junction box. I took a cut off DCT plug that I bought from Seems legit garage and re pinned it so that all the wires from the inside of the car near the GWS (DCT shifter) end up where they are supposed to on the transmission plug.
I'll try to explain a little bit better.
I kept the original pre 2007 transmission harness. I de pinned the AT 6HP21 connector and tossed it and re pinned the DCT connector to the original harness.
I then sat in my car with a multi meter in continuity tester mode and back traced all the pins from the newly added DCT plug to inside the cab near the GWS.
The picture that says X8500 is what you need to pin the new DCT plug for and the other picture with the X511 is the 10 pin connector that goes in to the GWS. For example pin #2 (for the LIN Buss) from the X511 GWS connector needs to some how, some way, end up on Pin #11(Lin Buss) of the DCT X8500 plug. So the GWS can communicate properly with the DCT.
You will have to do this for the remaining wires of the X8500 plug. If I remember correctly the only ones you need to worry about finding is the signal for the parking lock, pin #13 and parking lock voltage wires, pin #12 both need to go from those pins and end up at the GWS parking lock 2 pin connector. Put one probe of your meter on the x8500 pin you want to find. Set it to audible continuity tester and start probing the old AT floor shifter connectors. You will find them there. Either cut and splice the wires you need or make a harness like I did to make the process easily reversible.
As a last note I used the EKPM (fuel pump module) for both the PT-CAN HIGH (pin #3)and LOW (pin #4) wires along with the necessary Terminal 15 Wake Up signal (pin #5) for the GWS connector X511.
I'm not very good at making diagrams like the one that is floating around from the zero to 60 channel but I'll give it a shot soon to see if I can make a DIY for the pre 2007/03 guys.