Bad O2-sensor?


Mar 6, 2023
Did my bank 1 upper O2-sensor finally kick a bucket?

The car was cutting a little on 2-3k rpm while on steady throttle so I took this data log.

There was mixture control fault code on so I cleared the codes. No codes for sensors tho.

After that the sensor gave out around 20 afr on idle and went down when little throttle was applied, but it was still fluctuating a lot. I went to test drive and the car was still cutting out little. Pulled on a bus stop and removed bank 1 O2-sensor. Instantly engines idle smoothed out since it went in to an open loop. Continued driving and the car seemed to run smooth now. Obviously running rich, but still way better than before. I left the bank 1 unplugged.

Next morning while going to work car seemed to work fine even tho the check engine light came on. Prob because the engine moved out of the open loop and tried starting the unplugged sensor. Reset the codes and check engine light went away. Drove 2 miles to work, car seemed to work fine. I was curious so I turned off the car, plugged in the bank 1 sensor. Started the car and the afr on idle was on 19-20 range. Gave it a little gas on park and after 3k rpm it seemed that it went down to same level as bank 2. Around 14 afr. Tho it was still fluctuating a lot and never went over 20. I rechecked codes again. There were all possible bank 1 O2-sensor codes, probably because it was unplugged before. Cleared them and now the bank 1 O2 is acting the same way as on the log I attached on this post. Aka being fluctuating on 60-200 afr range.

Is this just bad O2-sensor being funky and not giving out any codes? I would imagine that DME would be spitting out codes when it sees 60-200 afr on normal driving.


Mar 6, 2023
Well, did another datalog while coming from work. Car almost shutdown while it switched to closed loop. Now it finally gave out O2-sensor related code "2C3B - DME: Oxygen sensor before catalytic converter: Not connected."

I guess it's dead even tho it gives out some reading.