2009 e93 335i Convertible
Here are tips and notes on replacing the tire pressure monitor sensor receiver antenna (popsicle stick device) for my particular make and model. The location of this module is in different places depending on make and model.
Front driver side under floor board behind underbelly splash shielding.
Remove underbelly left side and disconnect wire and replace module, clips on and off easily. Make sure clips hold snuggly when installing.
No need to disconnect battery.
Coding NOT necessary for this year and model.
*Follow jackstand safety protocols and use common sense. Do not attempt under a jack without proper jackstands and backup mechanisms in case anything fails.
See photo for reference:
Top module is new, bottom module is old.
2009 BMW E93 335I (convertible)
Here are tips and notes on replacing the tire pressure monitor sensor receiver antenna (popsicle stick device) for my particular make and model. The location of this module is in different places depending on make and model.
Front driver side under floor board behind underbelly splash shielding.
Remove underbelly left side and disconnect wire and replace module, clips on and off easily. Make sure clips hold snuggly when installing.
No need to disconnect battery.
Coding NOT necessary for this year and model.
*Follow jackstand safety protocols and use common sense. Do not attempt under a jack without proper jackstands and backup mechanisms in case anything fails.
See photo for reference:
Top module is new, bottom module is old.
2009 BMW E93 335I (convertible)