I have 2 FF manifolds and custom up pipes not that Ill ever sell you one.
So why make the post? Do you think that bothers me somehow? You act like a child, "I've got something you can't have!" I would expect that from my 6 year old son, not a grown man.
I'm buying the BMP FF manifold with $200 charge pipe when they are back in stock next month unless I can find a Fab Factory manifold before. I will likely buy it new for less than a used FF manifold anyways. I could go buy one a knock off Fab Factory FF Mani from VTT too, but they have fitment issues and well, it is VTT.
I really don't know why you posted. Do you really think I would ever give you any money? Just like VTT I would burn it first before putting a penny in your/their pocket. I don't support scum bag vendors. You can't even afford to be a vendor. You are too busy taking money out of your retirement funds to pay monthly bills because you are broke as a joke(by your own admission).
You keep on being classy and professional! Don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you on your way out.