Anytime you lower pre-heater temperatures, you're going to lower outlet temperatures as well. This is beneficial, and the most efficient way at lowering overall IAT's.
This is not what I said or was discussing. I said an upgrade IC and or Meth would be a better place to spend your money & time than trying to get ambient air temp air to your hotside inlets. Period. No shit cooler air coming in means cooler coming out. So way to quote me out of context and go on about something I was not discussing.
You think injecting meth is more efficient, and a better overall way to lower IAT's
Yes, Meth + water is a much more efficient, predictable, and better overall way to lower AITs + you get a great octane boost. It is better than putting a hole in your roof to duct in ambient air, a naca duct, or some brake ducting to attempt to get ambient air to your hotside intakes. It also does not look like shit.
I just looked at a log, started at 80 AIT and down to 60 at the end of the pull. I feel like your fancy ducting to get ambient air to your hotside inlets will not be able to do this. But I didn't take your thermodynamics class so maybe I am wrong...
Meth DOES cost you energy to run.
My pump draws very little, I think my alternator will be just fine keeping up. But thank you for the concern lol. Is this the energy you speak of? If not, I hope the energy you speak of matters in a real world scenario, I am sure you would not be discussing it if it was inconsequential.
Meth is inexpensive, even less expensive when you mix with water. Never met anyone who regretted running it.
You guarantee that injecting water/meth will make more power than negative 15* IAT's? Explain to me how that works. And be careful, science can hurt stupid people.
When did I say that? Honestly. Quote me where I said that. Oh wait, I did not. Now were are on to name calling eh? You can always tell when someone is starting to lose an argument by who starts calling names 1st.
I guarantee anyone will make more power on 93+ meth+water injection + hotside inlets vs. whatever contraption you make on 93 octane and hotside inlets after tuning. If your contraption nets you 15* less AITs I am happy for you. Let me see a dyno oh wait, that will not work, let me see a 1/4 mph increase with you fancy new ducting if you are so sure about it.
My 1st post and all posts in this thread are about real word results and what is practical, not the math you read in your overpriced college text book which I am sure you are happy to dig out of your basement to quote me on.
What makes the most sense and is not going to look like SHIT? If you want your BMW to look like a honda trying to squeeze every little bit of speed out of it good for you. If you can make it look clean like stock even better, assuming the time and money spent is worthwhile vs. say spending that time and money on the other side of the turbo.
Personally I believe that meth is not a bandaid. This is my opinion, apparently your opinion is meth is a band-aid, to each their own. Plenty of people on this platform and others use it with no negative issues. I am happy with it and I guarantee a meth/water set up will make more power than your ducting ever will.
We all drive N54s bro. Go unbunch your panties and have a beer, smoke a joint, etc.