Hey All, if you have port injection and you test the AIC6 to find it functions and can read correct RPMs and previously it was working then you flashed another map and it stopped working... what could be the cause of the cessation of the spraying?
1.MHD and AIC6 maps need updating to trigger the spray (most likely)
2. BPM4 LPFP controller not functioning? (least likely)
3. injectors not functioning (somewhat likely)
4. AIC6 controller not working (seems impossible since it passes checking testing process)
I'm trying to collect a list of possiblities and I'm all ears if you can add some to this list. This system is less than one year old installed by Precision Raceworks.
1.MHD and AIC6 maps need updating to trigger the spray (most likely)
2. BPM4 LPFP controller not functioning? (least likely)
3. injectors not functioning (somewhat likely)
4. AIC6 controller not working (seems impossible since it passes checking testing process)
I'm trying to collect a list of possiblities and I'm all ears if you can add some to this list. This system is less than one year old installed by Precision Raceworks.