The injectors in the kit I have are what I was told a modified injector.. That have a Bosch number on them but are labeled fomoco which is ford motor company.. When crossed they are a 200cc injector I believe but mmp told me they are modified to flow more.. I forget the simple little tricks you can do to get an injector to flow more.. But it's more than likely why they are having issues.
Small update from my side, a friend offered me his 550cc that he was supplied with his fuel it kit, he replaced the 550cc with 750cc I believe and sent these to me to test out on the mmp rail. On first inspection his fuel it derived injectors are actually bosch units as can be seen by the manufacturer stamp and logo. Secondly these units don't look like they were made from recycled plastic. Most importantly when fitted to the rail and tested they didn't leak.. Fuel it however grinds the part number of the injector for whatever reason they have...
They grind them off so we can't cross them.. And or purchase them ourselves.. Injectors are pretty cheap especially when you buy bulk through a supplier.. Its business, if we know they paid 23 bucks an injector it really sucks the value outta an 800 plate and 200 dollar fuel line.. They say we pay for R&D which who knows but the bottom line is if you don't have a little ingenuity in your blood and willing to buy your own injectors and make your own lines and source your hole to plop your injectors then your paying to play
And good for them they got rich AF off some injectors and plates as well a 90 buck 450s lol
They did it right you don't hear many complaints about them other than price