I saw a huge puddle of oil on the garage floor near the front passenger wheel. So I put the car up on jack stands, took off the wheel, cleaned up the oil (which got all over the suspension, wheel and the under panels, nothing much looking down into the engine). Restarted looked fine cold, but once it warmed up oil started pouring quickly down onto the cover over the steering CV boot - I quickly put that red pail with adsorbent under to catch the flowing oil. It would have easily drained a quart in a minute I’m guessing. Oil also started to run down that black wire near the windshield washer hose.
It’s not leaking at the oil cooler gasket or oil filter housing gasket - I was watching that carefully originally thinking it was the source. And I’m pretty sure it’s not the valve cover gasket. The source of the leak is below the valve cover gasket. Any ideas as to what is the source of the leak?
(Sorry for the sideways picture.)
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