Can anyone help with this? New throttle behavior. I've had some issues with part throttle under load before, but never caught the same thing at idle. I did have a WOT log showing a profound rail pressure drop at low-mid range rpms the other day, but haven't repeated it and was wondering if maybe my 110k mile pump is giving up. Other concern is my throttle body vac adapter has too many Ts.
This log was taken at standstill, light part throttle in neutral held steady about how much I need to feather the clutch to roll off, felt the oscillation and saw my tach bouncing. On a custom flash with IKMOS from Hydra.
Codes present, no CEL/SES.
Car details:
Hydra full N53/HP800 build with schrick low lifts, crank lockdown
New index 12s, bucketed walbro 535 with new LP line and sensor, original factory HP pump
Stock coils, genuine S55 plugs at 0.022"
Custom selfmade low side PCV with CC
Stock high side PCV
BMS throttle body adapter with vac Tees to BOV and low side PCV
Stock waffle IM.
Xclutch Organic
3" dps/3.5" exhaust etc etc
This log was taken at standstill, light part throttle in neutral held steady about how much I need to feather the clutch to roll off, felt the oscillation and saw my tach bouncing. On a custom flash with IKMOS from Hydra.
Codes present, no CEL/SES.
Car details:
Hydra full N53/HP800 build with schrick low lifts, crank lockdown
New index 12s, bucketed walbro 535 with new LP line and sensor, original factory HP pump
Stock coils, genuine S55 plugs at 0.022"
Custom selfmade low side PCV with CC
Stock high side PCV
BMS throttle body adapter with vac Tees to BOV and low side PCV
Stock waffle IM.
Xclutch Organic
3" dps/3.5" exhaust etc etc
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