I think the newer bootless/hard boot shifters look so much better, here is the F80 DCT shifter with M performance gear indicator and knob trim:
The carbon trim and gear indicator faceplate is 61312343709, but notice how there is no leather shift boot. A couple companies overlay carbon on the oem trim that houses the plastic 'hard boot', this photo is from rwcarbon:
But the actual 'boot' itself seems to be built into the shift knob base and the GWS as one unit. The knob probably comes off, but looks to clip onto the GWS in an integrated fashion:
Here is a photo of someone with an F30 (8HP Auto) with the F80 DCT knob/GWS:
And even if you don't go with the F80 knob/GWS, here is the difference between the standard and sport F30 shifter(leather):
Notice the GWS has that spherical part, is that part, is that part of the shift knob, the GWS itself, or is it all one piece?
Hopefully we only need the shift knob from the non-sport F30 auto, or DCT F80, and have a hand crafted from carbon fiber base that sits on our GWS to replicate that spherical thing, if it is indeed part of the GWS itself. But it looks like that knob and GWS are one unit in the case of the hardboot.
So the question becomes, can the F30 or F80 DCT GWS be used with an E chassis vehicle? I know I've seen F30 sport knob used, but that always involved the leather boot with the E chassis GWS which makes things much easier.
I do know that for the E chassis DCT swap, the GWS uses the same 10 pin connector as the M4 GWS.
M4 GWS: 61317848611
F30 GWS: 61319296896
I can't seem to find a part number for the DCT F80 or non-sport F30 knobs without the GWS, so it makes me think they are one piece.
The carbon trim and gear indicator faceplate is 61312343709, but notice how there is no leather shift boot. A couple companies overlay carbon on the oem trim that houses the plastic 'hard boot', this photo is from rwcarbon:
But the actual 'boot' itself seems to be built into the shift knob base and the GWS as one unit. The knob probably comes off, but looks to clip onto the GWS in an integrated fashion:
Here is a photo of someone with an F30 (8HP Auto) with the F80 DCT knob/GWS:
And even if you don't go with the F80 knob/GWS, here is the difference between the standard and sport F30 shifter(leather):
Notice the GWS has that spherical part, is that part, is that part of the shift knob, the GWS itself, or is it all one piece?
Hopefully we only need the shift knob from the non-sport F30 auto, or DCT F80, and have a hand crafted from carbon fiber base that sits on our GWS to replicate that spherical thing, if it is indeed part of the GWS itself. But it looks like that knob and GWS are one unit in the case of the hardboot.
So the question becomes, can the F30 or F80 DCT GWS be used with an E chassis vehicle? I know I've seen F30 sport knob used, but that always involved the leather boot with the E chassis GWS which makes things much easier.
I do know that for the E chassis DCT swap, the GWS uses the same 10 pin connector as the M4 GWS.
M4 GWS: 61317848611
F30 GWS: 61319296896
I can't seem to find a part number for the DCT F80 or non-sport F30 knobs without the GWS, so it makes me think they are one piece.