I want to post this up here first before anywhere else because I'm not sure how the values are derived and to throw the guys that have already done so much to move this retrofit along a small bone. Hell, with all the smart guys in here it may already be common knowledge but I found a utility, Perfekt Toolbox, which can do custom nettodat coding for the KOMBI. I don't think I can upload a zip here but I'll post a mega link to it. There's no tutorial for it, at least not one I can find so make sure you back up everything before you start playing with it. By changing the starting position offsets and motorsteps in the tach and warning zone menus you can adjust the redline to wherever you want it. You may be able to remove the error in the speedo as well with the right adjustments. This is just a pic of what the tach menu looks like. Props to @Hpaula for giving me access to his values so that I could correct mine.


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