Went to the car(2012 BMW 328i E92 coupe) at midnight to get the RDC36106793122TPMS(pic1) (underneath the car apron) and open it looking for corrosion, which I didn't find but I ended up removing solder from the 4 contacts of the connector to the board and one I lifted up with some of the green trace. I included pictures from Dropbox and you can zoom in to see the small writing or question marks. Wanted to know if I need to solder any wires to the adjacent green areas of the cut? Thanks in advance. Hope I didn't screw it up. My TPMS codes are 604E RDC system and 6059 Wheel electronics undefined

I get continuity between the green dots nothing between the purple in picture 4. I see traces between the big solder blob connector with a green dot on it and the purple dotted area to the right with the purple dots. There is continuity. The area that I traced with red right by the purple dot below the plus is lifted and does not connect to anything, must have cut it with the X-acto knife when trying to lift the contact. So I need help from anyone that has this particular RDC(pic1)

I get continuity between the green dots nothing between the purple in picture 4. I see traces between the big solder blob connector with a green dot on it and the purple dotted area to the right with the purple dots. There is continuity. The area that I traced with red right by the purple dot below the plus is lifted and does not connect to anything, must have cut it with the X-acto knife when trying to lift the contact. So I need help from anyone that has this particular RDC(pic1)