Fuel Modes


May 14, 2018
2009 E92 335i DCT
Hi all.
Calling @carabuser

I came across a thread where the discussion was AFR. And you provided some information Fuel Modes.
I decided to log my cars Fuel mode, and at idle and cruise its on Fuel Mode 2 which you said is what should happen.
However, when I'm putting my foot down and doing a pull, it's stays on Fuel Mode 2 then near the end of the Pull it goes to Fuel Mode 6. (Component/Cat Protection)
The thread said that it should be on Fuel Mode 20 for spooling.

I've been searching for the meaning or additional information on fuel modes but cant find alot of info about this.

Can you please shed a bit of light.
I am currently of the belief that my primary O2 sensors are poked.
I've done a log in Protool on the Pre and Post Cat sensors and on idle the Post Cat sensors voltage were fluctuating from the desired 0.7/0.8v right down to 0.1v on both banks. This makes me believe that they stuffed.
PreCat seemed inspec idling at 1.8/1.9v

Look forward to any and all feedback :)


May 14, 2018
2009 E92 335i DCT
I can log those for you no problem, i just merely logged Lambda Voltage within ProTool this evening,
I will Specifically log the above values tomorrow and give feedback. thank you


Jun 4, 2021
Twin Cities, MN
2015 e84 X1 35i Msport
I'm also very curious about fuel mode. I've searched and searched, and posted the question on another forum and got crickets. As you mentioned, fuel mode 2 is normal. However, all of my logs show fuel mode 0. Doesn't seem to matter if cruise or WOT, it's always 0. I'm n55, so not sure if the fuel modes are the same as n54, but everybody else's n55 logs on that other forum all seem to show fuel mode 2. I'd like to understand if my fuel mode = 0 means I have a problem or not. I hope this isn't thread jacking too much, but it seemed like an appropriate place to pose the question given the subject matter. Also, I noticed that the new version of the e-series n55 MHD app removed fuel mode as a logging parameter, so now I can't log it going forward anymore.