
  1. digitalashley

    N54 (E87) LPFP psi low??..

    Hi everyone, I have gone from a stock 135i (N54) low pressure fuel pump due to low psi (52-42psi) readings at idle and throughout RPM range (rail pressure would drop and cause limp mode), to a walbro 450 and have retained the bucket and Venturi to keep it close to stock as possible and...
  2. hassan_hamdan

    E8x Non-LCI Tear down, CF Eyebrow and Rings DIY Thread

    First, let me say, im no professional by any means, and figured I would try my hand at creating a solution for a problem that isn't really addressed. In the fall had hit a hard enough pothole without paying attention, and although the 1er was alright, the inner grey ring for the adaptive...
  3. R

    FS OEM BMW M3 wheel with paddle cutouts for sale

    Genuine OEM BMW M3 steering wheel for sale. Came from an e90 with dct transmission so it has paddle cutouts! Asking 325 or best offer....(make me an offer!)