Propulsive Dynamics A/T upgrade Beta results


Nov 6, 2016
I'll keep this thread updated as things progress. This is not my car, however i am local to it and do work on it along with some tuning (Motiv).

2010 Msport 135
Motiv 750 ST
Mfactory LSD
fuel is E40+meth (for now)
and of course the Propulsive Dynamics AT upgrade

ST kit just got installed this weekend and the transmission was installed the weekend before. The car went from a FBO to how it is now so the owner has been very busy lately. We were capped by the stock Tmap, the 3.5 bar doesnt come for a few days. He also plans on upgrading the fuel system soon to support full E85. So this was more of a shake down for both the trans and the turbo kit.

Normal driving is great. Definitely not going to give you whip lash during normal acceleration. WOT on the other hand hits hard and solid. When compared to another local stg2+ AT car at 23psi it is night and day. Theres no sloppy shifts or engine acceleration without delay in actual acceleration. You can feel everything the engine to the wheels are doing with no dampening in between. This connection can be related directly to how a MT feels. With the 30+ multi gear pulls we did tonight, it didnt hiccup once, even when it kicks down to 2nd gear at 20psi. Needless to say im pretty excited to crank this this up.

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Oct 18, 2016
2009 E93 335i
This thing sounds amazing, so far looks like the transmission handles it like a champ


Nov 15, 2016
Savannah GA
For the filmer: LANDSCAPE MODE!

Are the paddles not hooked up? I wonder why the driver opted for the console shifter.


We need to trouble shoot the paddles, but that is lower on the priority to getting the tune dialed in and throwing this trans through the gauntlet so you guys can rest assured that this is the only true option to high horsepower AT in a factory form. I'll be upgrading the tmap sensor so we can up the boost. I've also got some drag radials I'm going to throw on it so we can see how it likes launching and rolls w/o tire spin. More to follow...
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Nov 6, 2016
New Market, AL
335i e92 6MT
Are the paddles not hooked up? I wonder why the driver opted for the console shifter.


I can add to this...We believe this to be a result of Jimmy's car being a 2009+ model that used a donor trans as the upgraded unit. We predict that a simple reset of the EGS module using the original VIN of the donor trans and NCS Expert will reactivate them.
Others have reported this same issue when flashing the alpina flash to 2009+ model cars so it is not isolated to this situation.
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This is good stuff and I applaud Jason@Propulsive-Dynamics for stepping up and doing something about the ZF6HP21, but... I can't tell what's what with the JB4 data viewer screen shots. Looks like a 3 year old took some crayons to a white board. Any chance you can post up datazap links? My AT wouldn't hold 28 psi in 5th. It will be interesting to see how this turns out. Looks like fun... Good luck. ;-)
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Oct 18, 2016
2009 E93 335i
This is good stuff and I applaud Jason@Propulsive-Dynamics for stepping up and doing something about the ZF6HP21, but... I can't tell what's what with the JB4 data viewer screen shots. Looks like a 3 year old took some crayons to a white board. Any chance you can post up datazap links? My AT wouldn't hold 28 psi in 5th. It will be interesting to see how this turns out. Looks like fun... Good luck. ;-)
I agree, JB4 charts aren't quite as clear when compared to a datazap link, but lets just take what they give us so far. Its better than them holding on to everything. I'm sure they are just doing some preliminary tuning and don't want to be crucified over every tiny thing just yet. There isn't much to decipher here in my opinion, besides RPM. We can see boost trying to hold the 20 psi target and a little insight on post shift timing, and everything else is a little bunched up, however I'm happy just to see the RPMs as high as they are. We are used to shifts as low as 6500-6600 it seems. The JB4 legend colors have always been too skinny for me to really know which colors are which.
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Nov 3, 2016
2008 ST 335i
Car sounds great! Looks like its running solid with that PD transmission too, look forward to seeing you open it up and put some abuse through it!
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Nov 2, 2016
Aubrey, Texas
Thank you Chris and Jimmie for giving us this update! I look forward to seeing the street and track abuse that you put that 135 through. That car sounds amazing BTW too!


Nov 15, 2016
Savannah GA
Mounted the dr's and installed the 3.5bar tmap sensor today. Line lock solenoids, and improved racing tstats arrived today as well. Oil coolers and stainless brake lines will be here Saturday.

Did some test hits today with the dr's.. definitely going to turn up the boost. When the tires are warm, even with anti lag "launch" in first at 17lbs it hooks.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get some more tuning done...and videos. Sorry, nothing tonight. Trans is still questioning when I'm going to give it a challenge..that and the turbo is yawning at the "power demands." Fueling is next up! I'm so excited with how flawless everything has bolted up and reacts to my inputs. You guys definitely will not be disappointed going with the PD auto. Definitely worth the wait.

Few pics of the wheel/tire setup in the rear as well as the turbo install.

IMG_3298.JPG IMG_3301.JPG IMG_3302.JPG IMG_3300.JPG IMG_3299.JPG IMG_3281.JPG IMG_3283.JPG


New Member
Nov 14, 2016
FYI, mine is going to Motiv on Dec 8th for single install. After that the tranny is next and yes, I will be pushing it into the 30psi+ zone come hell or high water.
Nov 5, 2016
This is good stuff and I applaud Jason@Propulsive-Dynamics for stepping up and doing something about the ZF6HP21, but... I can't tell what's what with the JB4 data viewer screen shots. Looks like a 3 year old took some crayons to a white board. Any chance you can post up datazap links? My AT wouldn't hold 28 psi in 5th. It will be interesting to see how this turns out. Looks like fun... Good luck. ;-)

As of now mine is holding but 2nd and 3rd wont shift above 23psi. So have boost by gear
Nov 5, 2016
Mounted the dr's and installed the 3.5bar tmap sensor today. Line lock solenoids, and improved racing tstats arrived today as well. Oil coolers and stainless brake lines will be here Saturday.

Did some test hits today with the dr's.. definitely going to turn up the boost. When the tires are warm, even with anti lag "launch" in first at 17lbs it hooks.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get some more tuning done...and videos. Sorry, nothing tonight. Trans is still questioning when I'm going to give it a challenge..that and the turbo is yawning at the "power demands." Fueling is next up! I'm so excited with how flawless everything has bolted up and reacts to my inputs. You guys definitely will not be disappointed going with the PD auto. Definitely worth the wait.

Few pics of the wheel/tire setup in the rear as well as the turbo install.

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Where did u get line lock?